Friday, May 12, 2006

my ahgong died exactly at 3.20pm on the 11th of may 2006.IM AM SO FREAKING SAD CAN?? he was like suffering a sickness since he was 30+,which made him cant walk,cant move,and one eye cant see.den 2 months ago,he had a heart attack n was sent to changi general hospital.there the doctor operated on him and cut a hole in his lungs n neck so air can be pumped in.AND,many tubes were connected to him lorh,at least 4 man.imagine if it were u,wouldnt it be so PAINFUL?! then he had high fever everyday until his death,which was caused by a nurse WHO INJECTED THE WRONG MEDICINE ON HIM!! WTH LARH! this STUPID FREAKING DAMN NURSE caused the loss of my ahgong.I WANT KILL HER! today funeral was so sad.he was smiling in his coffin,and his coffin dont have glass,so mus take a last look at him before they cap the coffin up.BYE AHGONG! he must have died peacefully seeing his smile.but at least he need not suffer was so terrible for him to be in hospital for 2 months with medications and 2 operations. BYE AHGONG! I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER! <3

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